The steps
of the Peninsula
Tal Ar Groas
Producers' market every morning except Monday and Thursday, Place de l'Eglise.
Fair all products bothth and 4th Wednesdays of the month.
Pont De Buis Lès Quimerc'h
Le Faou
All year round small market for all products every Tuesday (except bad weather) Place Charles-de-Gaulle.
July-August, every Tuesday, Place de la Mairie
Arts and crafts market: on the quays, 3 Sundays per summer.
In July and August.
The 1ser, 3th and 5th Wednesdays of the month.
Large market on the seafront.
Food market on Tuesday and Friday morning at the church square.
Fishmonger on Thursday morning at the church square.
Summer farm market every Monday in July-August from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Cidrerie de Rozavern.